Friday, July 22, 2011

22 July 2011

So life has been pretty ordinary but things are about to get a little more interesting. On Sunday one of the Feul team members is moving in for 6 weeks - so I will aquire another "son" There is going to be a lot of testosterone in the Blignaut household.

Then these little men will have to cope without me for 2 days as I am flying off to PE on Monday but will be back Wednesday. I will make sure I prepare a meal for them for Monday night but Tuesday they will have to fend for themselves!

I am loving life at the moment each day brings new challenges and God continues to show me new things.

God’s presence is robust. He’s not nervous or timid, and He is always present, never failing, never out of time or out of action

This is how I am feeling at the moment.

I love the fact that my God surprises me daily and His whispers are beautiful and gentle

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you back - enjoy your visitor and your time away! :)
