Thursday, November 11, 2010

11 November 2010

It is so difficult to put in words what I have experienced this week. However I am going to try. For those of you who have been following my blog you will know that my decision to leave Wakame was not an easy one. Of course some aspects were easy but from a financial perspective it was a huge risk. I knew without a doubt that I had to change my lifestyle, I had become someone not even I recognised in the mirror, I had become driven unfocused - LOST.

I loved the people I worked with and the fear of working from home and setting up my own Paralegal business was daunting to say the least, but at the end of September I left Wakame and said to my God "Ok I trust I am doing the right thing".

This week LegalEyes was officially registered, last week I employed a lawyer from the Congo, Didier, to work with me, and today I purchased my software for listing! Tomorrow I receive my first "income". I am amazed at the timing of everything and how it has all come together with so much ease. I feel totally blessed and happy. I love waking up in the mornings and I love what I do. I am so grateful for risks taken, someone once said "Nothing ventured Nothing gained" Too true.

I know that when we walk in the will of God and we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, it is true all things will be added to us. It has taken me 28 years to trust this completely I am just grateful it didn't take a life time.

And so as I conclude todays post I would say to anyone reading this if you have never crossed the great divide and trusted completely and wholly in the One who created you and loves you and gave His life for you...I encourage you take that step today and if you are unsure just remember was not the nails that held Him to the cross- it was His eternal love for you!


  1. Thats a wonderful story and a great testimony Debs!
    And well done on taking the leap of faith: it takes guts.
    May your business prosper and grow.

  2. What a clever and brave lady you are and truly blessed!
    When I helped out at a recylcing depot some years ago I found this on a piece of paper:

    When faced with a mountain I will not quit!
    I will keep on striving until I climb over,
    find a path over
    tunnel under
    or simply stay
    and turn the mountain
    inot a goldmine
    with God's help.

    No idea who the author is but when I read your post the words came to mind again! Have a lovely weekend!
