So as I contemplate another year I decided to make a gratitude list of 48 things I am grateful for. These thoughts are not in any specific order but just as they came to mind!
1. I am grateful I have life.
2. I am grateful that God has chosen to love me
3. I am grateful that I am part of a royal priesthood, a chosen generation
4. I am grateful for a loving husband
5. I am grateful for three amazing children
6. I am grateful that my Mom is still alive to bless me on my birthday
7. I am grateful for a home to live in
8. I am grateful for food on our table everyday
9. I am grateful for a dish washer
10. I am grateful that I have a great job
11. I am grateful for my car
12. I am grateful for my friends
13. I am grateful for the beautiful city I live in
14. I am grateful for freedom to worship the God I love
15. I am grateful that I have a deep relationship with my Creator
16. I am grateful that I have learned to call him “Abba Father”
17. I am grateful for the bursaries that my children have received for their education
18. I am grateful for good health
19. I am grateful that I had a loving earthy father
20. I am grateful that my parents allowed me to make my own choices
21. I am grateful that I have a sister and a brother
22. I am grateful for a jealous husband who always protects me and looks out for me
23. I am grateful that he always has my interests at heart
24. I am grateful that my children respect me
25. I am grateful for music
26. I am grateful that I am meeting friends from other cultures
27. I am grateful for God’s protection over the children at our school
28. I am grateful for domestic help once a week
29. I am grateful for the ability to think and reason
30. I am grateful for Kimmy Mitchell and all that she teaches me about life and being yourself everyday
31. I am grateful that I can read
32. I am grateful that I can feel the fresh breeze on my skin
33. I am grateful that I have a beautiful garden where I can spend time meditating on God’s word.
34. I am grateful for the cross and the salvation of my soul
35. I am grateful for my warm bed
36. I am grateful for beautiful clothes
37. I am grateful for Nelson Mandela and others who fought for our freedom
38. I am grateful friends who pray for me
39. I am grateful for each new sunrise
40. I am grateful for the health of my children
41. I am grateful for good leadership at our church
42. I am grateful for an inspirational boss
43. I am grateful for genuine deep friendships that challenge and grow me
44. I am grateful for all the children in my life
45. I am grateful for friends who have helped me to raise my children
46. I am grateful for the peace of a good nights sleep
47. I am grateful that God’s mercies are new every morning
48. I am grateful that I have been given another year to have an impact for His Kingdom
Lovely list - Happy Birthday Debs! xx